Much to Celebrate!

delivering There was jubilation - wide smiles, clapping and cheering - as we gathered in our usual meeting place - so much to celebrate! The council of Chingola, without delay, had approved our application to be formally registered as a club, named Hands of Sharing, Mbayi (as we share with them, they also share with the orphans, widows and elderly) and there was excitement about the official certificate which I have promised to frame. Anyone in the village can join the club which was formed to manage and be responsible for the development projects, a customary practice throughout Zambia, and we've drafted a constitution of regulations.

The men were elated, one danced with joy, at the news of full funding for the Goat Project, and an order being placed for the remainder of our goal of 16, goats being delivered from a contact made somewhere deep in the bush as local prices are far too expensive.

The women rejoiced as I presented the final tally for chicken sales- we made back the investment and realized a good profit!

Even the school children joined in the merriment as they received gifts shipped from Canada - balls, yoyos, and tambourines- just in time for the month break between terms.

Oh what a change in mood from those earlier times where the desperate need made this day difficult to fathom. We have nothing to give you in gratitude, said the Chairman of the village, except our appreciation to God for sending you to us.

My heart felt thanks to all of you for making this triumph possible!
